P&F Executive Members |
Lauryn Sword
Vice President
Gemma Mortimer / Ash Bennett
Secretary |
Kate Thornton / Jacqui Gordon
Treasurer |
Holly Crilly / Jessica Chester
Parent Support LIaison
| Niclaire McLennan
St Luke’s Parents & Friends Association was officially formed in October, 1989. The Association meets once per term on the second Monday of the term at 7.00pm. Term 4 will have a normal P&F meeting in Week 2 and the AGM in November.
The Association supports the mission of St Luke’s School by:
fostering a distinctive Christian environment in the school;
developing maximum co-operation between parents and school staff;
utilising those structures which are established to promote the principles of Christian education;
providing a medium for information and participation of parents through class Hub Co-ordinators;
affiliating with the Brisbane Diocesan Council of Parents and Friends Associations of Catholic Schools;
identifying services and talents within the school community and making them available to school related spiritual, educational, social and fund raising activities.