Health & Sickness


The Principal will follow the current regulations of the Department of Health concerning re­admission of pupils who have had an infectious disease. In the case of minor accidents or illnesses the supervising teachers will deal with the matter. There is a suitable First Aid Kit containing adequate materials for such minor mishaps.

In all cases of serious injury or in doubtful cases the medical assistance of a doctor/paramedic will be sought.   Parents will be informed immediately in all such cases and preferably before seeking medical aid.

Parents who withdraw their child during the day for sickness or other appointments are requested to sign the child out in the Administration Office.


Please note the following:

  1. All medication must be administered in the school office under the supervision of our office staff.
  2. For that to occur the school must hold a written authorisation from the child’s parent.  Click here to download the Student Medication Request Form​.
  3. Panadol cannot be provided to students here except when it is accompanied by the same written authorisation from the parent.
  4. Medication must be sent to school labelled by a pharmacist for the particular use of ​the student named on the container.  The requirements on the label are at point 2 on the Student Medication Request Form.

We recognise that this practice presents some logistical problems for parents of sick children.  Firstly, sick children should not be at school unless cleared by a doctor.  Secondly, in discussing medication options with your doctor, if an option exists enabling medication to be used which is administered morning and night the problem is solved.

These practices are designed to ensure the safety of your children and for the protection of our staff who are not medically trained.

Reducing the Spread of Infections

Infections with or without illness, are common in children. When children attend school they are exposed to a large number of children, increasing the opportunity for the spread of infectious diseases. It is not possible to prevent the spread of all infections and illnesses within schools; however, a lot of illnesses from infectious disease can be prevented.

Please refer to the Recommended Exclusion Periods for Infectious Conditions produced by Queensland Health.


St Luke's has a responsibility for minimising risk to all school community members of being affected by head lice while at school. Parents too, have responsibility for control, detection and treatment of head lice.

What happens if your child gets head lice?

DON’T PANIC – Most children have head lice at some time in their school life. Begin treatment immediately and check for effectiveness. (For more information see the "Managing Head Lice at Home" package available on the Queensland Health Website).

Send your child back to school as soon as effective treatment has commenced. Your child is not a risk to others as long as treatment has commenced.

We advise all families to check every 2 days (and treat if head lice are found). This decreases the chance of your child getting head lice back again.