School Resourcing Policy


At St Luke’s we believe that the provision of direction, guidance, support and leadership are paramount to foster an active learning environment. It is therefore imperative that adequate and appropriate resources are available to facilitate and nurture learning in our community.

Policy Statement

We acknowledge the diversity and uniqueness of each individual and are committed to providing equitable, accessible and relevant resources to support and encourage an active learning environment. We value the importance of planning for the acquisition and maintenance of quality resources.

Values / Principles

St Luke’s is committed to providing safe, versatile and quality resources which support and facilitate a conducive learning environment.

We Value:

  • Quality and value for money: we endeavour to use and maintain resources responsibly;
  • Inclusion: we strive to promote equity and accessibility for all learners;
  • Sustainability: we aim to provide resources that are economically and environmentally sound;
  • Social justice: we encourage service and stewardship in relation to sharing resources with the wider community;
  • Opportunities: we strive to provide adequate resources to encourage creative and meaningful learning experiences.

Related Processes:

​School Fees ​Fundraising
​Levies ​Maintenance
​Computer Technology ​Use of Grounds and Facilities
​Financial Accountability ​Planning
​Resourcing ​Asset Register
​Master Planning ​Facilities